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Three Love Spells Using White Candles

Anyone can perform candle magic. It is relatively simple, and the ingredients aren’t difficult to get. The color of the candle you use depends on what you want to achieve with the spell. You would use a white candle to cast a love spell because it symbolizes love’s power and purity.

 The three different love spells using white candles help in;

  1.  Attract romance into your life if you don’t have someone specific in mind. 
  2.  Initiate a relationship with someone you’ve already met.
  3.  Mend a broken relationship and rekindle your romance.

White candles can be used for various spells because white represents purity, dignity, enlightenment, peace, and innocence. When you perform candle magic, you must have only good and pure intentions towards the object of your desire. White candles are useful in love spells because they help dispel negativity, heal emotions, find the truth and raise good energy.

How To Achieve Results With Love Spell Using White Candles?

With candle magic, the ritual can be as elaborate as you like, but it can also be simple.

  1. You must only use virgin candles, i.e., a candle that has never been lit before, in your love spells. 
  2. You imbue the candle with your intentions or desires, and as it burns, it releases them into the Universe to manifest your dreams. For the magic to work, be crystal clear about your intentions.
  3. When buying a candle for a spell, make sure it has the same color all the way through. Dipped candles have one color on the outside and a different color on the inside. 
  4. You can use ordinary white candles purchased from any supermarket or hardware store for your spell. However, you can also buy white candles specifically intended for magic and burn them for a set time.

It is important to note the following;

  • White is technically speaking all the colors combined because white light contains the whole color spectrum. A white candle is a blank slate that can be charged with any magical intentionCandle magic typically involves dressing the candle with oil that corresponds with your desire. The act of rubbing the oil along the candle with your fingers transfers your intentions onto it.
  • Chanting a piece of verse or a phrase that expresses your intentions as you dress the candle reinforces the magic. Visualizing your desires as you anoint the candle with oil also helps. Another aspect of candle magic, especially in love spells, is carving your name and the name of your beloved onto the candle. You can also carve words that express your intentions, such as “true love” or a symbol such as a heart.

How To Create The Right Environment For Your Spell

  • Whenever you cast a spell, first make sure that you are calm and in a meditative state of mind. This does not mean you have to meditate before doing it, but if meditation is part of your spiritual practice, by all means, do so. Your mind must be still and able to focus entirely on the task at hand. Remain fully present in the moment.
  • Clear and clean your working area thoroughly and remove electronic objects like clocks and radios that could distract you.
  • Choose a time and place where you will not be disturbed by phone calls, children, dogs barking, or the neighbor coming over for a chat. Doing even simple spells requires total focus and dedication. If your mind is filled with turmoil and you can’t get into a calm state, approach someone to cast the love spell for you.
  • The New Moon signifies new beginnings, so if you intend to rekindle an existing relationship or initiate a new one, performing your spell at this time can give it a boost. It would help if you never enacted a spell when the Moon is waning unless you intend that something withers and dies.

Simple Love Spell For Attracting Romance Into Your Life


  • two white unscented candles,
  • jasmine or lemon verbena oil (your preference),
  • two candlesticks to hold the candles
  • a pen and a piece of paper


Step 1 

Write down a list of the things you want from the spell on the piece of paper. For example, someone who is faithful, kind, and caring, someone ready and willing to love you and be cared for by you, someone who would be a good parent for your children, someone who has a steady income, and who is trustworthy.

Do not list traits like handsome, good-looking, wealthy, tall, well-connected, or intelligent. These things are immaterial to a lasting, loving relationship. Someone intelligent may not understand you, and someone good-looking may have a horrible narcissistic streak.

Asking for superficial characteristics in a potential partner shows to the Universe that your motivation for doing this spell is not right, and you are not ready for a meaningful relationship. 

Also, don’t express your desires in the negative by using words like “not abusive,” “not poor,” “not a narcissist,” or “not a pedophile.” This will not help your cause as you are not focused on what you want but on what you don’t want. Casting a spell that focuses on what you wish to avoid could get you into trouble and is unlikely to give you your heart’s desire.

Your state of mind when doing magic should always be positive and deadly serious.

Step 2 

Carefully write or carve your name on one candle. On the other candle, write words that are meaningful to you to describe a potential partner. For example, “soulmate”, “lover”, “husband” or “wife”. The words you use must resonate with you and your desires, so choose them with care.  

Step 3

Charge the candles by anointing your hands with the oil and rubbing them slowly and deliberately along the candles from the bottom of the candle to the top. While doing this, read aloud the things you have written down on your list. It focuses your mind on what you want and charges the candles with your intention.

Step 4

Place the candles in the candle holder and light the one with your name on it. You can say a short phrase or sentence that expresses your intentions as you light it. For example, “As I light this candle, I kindle the light of love in my heart” or “As this candle melts, so do the barriers to love in my heart.” It must be a personal phrase, and it must be said deliberately and intentionally.

Step 5 

Take the lit candle and use it to light the one representing your potential significant other. As you do again, say a phrase that is meaningful for you. For example, “May my love light the love in you for me” or “May our love burn brightly with the same living flame.” Let the candles burn down completely while you maintain your meditative state of mind. Conclude the spell with words of gratitude and thanks.

Love Spell For Attracting A Romance With A Particular Person

The following is a spell for attracting someone particular that you have fallen forIt will not work on someone who has already repeatedly rejected your advances. It would help if you also examined your intentions thoroughly before doing this spell. A crush on a rock star or your married boss is not a good enough reason to cast this spell because you already know it is unlikely to work.

Only use it if you have met someone who has displayed the desirable characteristics for a good relationship and seems to like you. You do not want to bind yourself to someone who could harm you or has no feelings for you. If you have fallen for a friend or someone who is showing interest but is not making any moves towards you, you could try this spell.


  • Two white unscented candles.
  • A candle holder that can hold both candles
  • Something personal touched or created by your love, e.g., a photograph or a note they wrote.
  • A red string long enough to link the candles together
  • A stick of rose, musk, or amber scented incense or dragon’s blood incense (your preference)
  • Rose oil for love and sexual desire
  • Incense holder


Step 1 

Assemble the ingredients on your altar or table and wait until your mind is in a calm, deliberate state. Position the photo or other object linked to your love (X) at the base of the candle holder or behind it where you can see it.

Step 2 

For at least five minutes, think only about the life you want with X. Picture yourself and X holding hands, laughing and talking together, placing rings on each other’s fingers, living in a home together. Try to see in your mind’s eye realistic scenes of the two of you together in situations that make you happy.

Step 3 

Write or scratch your name onto one candle and the name of X onto the other. Stroke the rose oil with your fingers from the bottom to the top of each candle. Slowly and deliberately place both candles in the single candle holder with the intention that they are joined together. Say aloud a phrase like “Thus do X and I stand together as one.”

Step 4 

Light your candle, and as you do, say aloud a phrase like “In this flame burns my love for X (say his/her name).” Light X’s candle with your candle and say a phrase such as “In X I kindle the flame of love for me.”

Step 5

Light the incense by touching it to the flame of each candle. It doesn’t matter if the first candle or the second candle lights it as long as it is lit. Say aloud,” this incense joins us, me and X, in love.” Place the incense in an incense holder. Pick up the red string and pass it through the smoke of the incense several times while saying aloud, “In life and light, this bond of love is consecrated.”

Step 6 

Tie the ends of the string together with a single knot and place it loosely around both candles without knocking them over. The candles do not have to be tied tightly together. The red string must be positioned around them firmly enough to represent the love that binds them together.

Step 7 

Take the incense out of its holder. Waft the smoke in a ring around both candles as though you are tying them together with the smoke. Say aloud as you do so, “May X and I be joined together in love and life and light.”

Let the candles burn down, making sure that the string around them does not catch fire. Give thanks.

Spell For Restoring A Relationship

This spell can be used when your relationship is in the doldrums or you are having problems with miscommunication and misunderstandings between you. It will not work if your ex wants nothing more to do with you or you have undergone a long and messy divorce with acrimony on both sides. It would be best if you never used magic to compel anyone to do anything against their will.

It will also fail if you have a lot of resentment or other negative feelings toward your partner. You will need to work on these first and genuinely let go of them before attempting this spell. Your reasons for wanting your partner back should not be based on an unhealthy obsession or wanting to spite others.  

A relationship cannot be restored if the reason it was ruined in the first place still exists. If your partner is in love with someone else, and this is why you broke up, don’t expect them to reconcile with you. If you are the one cheating, a spell to bring your partner back does not address the underlying problem of why they left.

You should ask yourself what else you can do to restore your relationship before resorting to magic. Spells are not quick fixes for all of life’s problems.


  • Rosemary oil for love and healing
  • Dried or fresh coriander for love and healing
  • One unscented white candle
  • A candle holder
  • A smudging stick made from sage


Step 1

Clear and calm your mind for a few minutes before starting.  Visualize the two of you together and happy in each room of your home.

Step 2 

Place the ingredients on your altar or small table, light the smudging stick and thoroughly waft the smoke all around the altar or small table, saying three times, “I banish all negative energy from this space.”

Step 3

Draw the rosemary oil from the bottom of the candle to its center with your fingers. Then draw the oil from the top of the candle to its center. Make sure the whole candle is covered in oil.

Step 4

Starting at the top, carve the name or initials of your love on the side of the candle. The letters should run downwards to the middle of the candle. Don’t cut the letters past the middle.

Step 5 

Starting at the bottom of the candle, carve the letters of your name or initials. The letters should run along with the candle towards the middle. Make sure you leave a space in the middle between your name and your lover’s name. In this space, link the two names by carving a heart or the word “love” horizontally.

Step 6 

Place the candle in the holder and surround it with the coriander in the shape of a heart as you say aloud three times, “Heal our hearts, heal our love, may our bonds be strong and pure.”

Step 7 

Light the candle. If you wish, you may say a quick prayer of your choosing as you stand before the candle. Watch it burn down while thinking positive thoughts about your renewed relationship. Let it burn until it goes out.


Love spells are some of the most difficult to cast correctly and require the strength of mind and purpose. You must be patient and give the spell time to work. It may be necessary to cast it more than once because relationships are an ongoing thing. Never use magic to bend someone else to your will because it will backfire on you in unpleasant ways. In the best relationships, both parties must freely give their love, and there is no way you can force that to happen. For more details, please contact me.


I'm Mama Anne from Uganda, the owner of this website and a traditional healer with over 40 years of experience. I specialize in love spells and am well versed in all kinds of magic that can help people worldwide find the love they wish for and deserve. The first time I learned about my innate psychic and spiritual ability was when I was still a child, looking into an old mirror whose owner had died. I found out that I could communicate with the mirror's late owner, and my grandmother noticed the talent. Then, I was brought up learning about the magic in the world and how it can help people. There is love at the center of it all, and I understand the importance of love for everyone.

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